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Candy Bergeron, Freddye Smith, Senator R

About us

Livingston Parish Republican Women (LPRW) received its Charter from the Louisiana Federation of Republican Women and the National Federation of Republican Women in 2003. LPRW had a resurgence of activity in 2007 and is now busy helping to keep the
voting public in Livingston Parish politically informed and active. We meet monthly on the first Wednesday of each month from 11:30 a.m. till 1:00 p.m. at Big Mikes in Denham Springs. 
LPRW is very active in various Community Service Projects as well as Campaign activities:
a.   Get out to Vote—Our members also present a candidate forum so that the people are aware of the issues and urge everyone to get out to vote.
b.   Mamie Eisenhower – Our club purchased several library books and donated them to our three public libraries
c.   Education – Our club works to supply a college scholarship to a young Republican lady studying government.
d.   Veterans—In November we celebrate with our veterans. We present them with a program, a meal and a gift. We are proud of our veterans.
e.   Campaigns – many of our members volunteered for a variety of campaigns by walking door-to-door, phone banking, and sign waving. 

Our meetings are open to women and men who are interested in the community they live
in. Please come and join us! We welcome any registered Republican to become an active
or associate member for $35.00 per year.

Also like our Facebook page!

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Sybill Wallendal


As a Marine Brat, I found my love of America early! I have lived in Livingston Parish nearly all my life and a long term member of LPRW since the reorganization. I believe deeply we can all accomplish great things with help!

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Freddye Smith

1st Vice President

I currently enjoy spending time with my family and grandchildren. I also devote my time to Dreams Come True of Louisiana, helping children find their dreams in time of illness.

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Candy Bergeron

2nd Vice President

I'm a wife, a mother & a retired chemist, and I am grateful for the insight LPRW has given me about local, state, and national politics. I also enjoy to quilt very much!

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Julie Robinson


I love literature and writing and hold a Masters in English. I am on the RPEC and represent the Republicans at the Board of Elections.

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Betty Burgess


I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.

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